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HP 3 Across News


Chrystal Redekopp

"There has been a remarkable erosion in public tolerance of 'offensive expression about race, gender and religion,' according to a paper Dennis Chong and Morris Levy, political scientists at the University of Southern California, and Jack Citrin, a political scientist at Berkeley, presented in September at the annual meeting of the American Poli
"As Trump rose to the presidency, one explanation that swept political science was the power of polarization, specifically a phenomenon known as affective polarization, but a keen group of scholars now suggests that this approach is inadequate."

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Free school meal programs don’t just feed hungry kids — they’re a major win for moms Priya Fielding-Singh is an assistant professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah and the author of the forthcoming book “

HP 3 Down News


Chrystal Redekopp

October 27, 2021
"There has been a remarkable erosion in public tolerance of 'offensive expression about race, gen
September 29, 2021
"As Trump rose to the presidency, one explanation that swept political science was the power of p

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August 16, 2021
Free school meal programs don’t just feed hungry kids — they’re a major win for moms Pri

HP 4 Across News


Chrystal Redekopp

"There has been a remarkable erosion in public tolerance of 'offensive expression about race, gender and religion,' according to a paper Dennis Chong and Morris Levy, political scientists at the University of Southern California, and Jack Citrin, a political scientist at Berkeley, presented in September at the annual meeting of the American Poli
"As Trump rose to the presidency, one explanation that swept political science was the power of polarization, specifically a phenomenon known as affective polarization, but a keen group of scholars now suggests that this approach is inadequate."

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Free school meal programs don’t just feed hungry kids — they’re a major win for moms Priya Fielding-Singh is an assistant professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah and the author of the forthcoming book “
Census Shows Sharply Growing Numbers of Hispanic, Asian and Multiracial Americans Overall population growth slowed substantially over the past decade, but the number of multiracial Americans more than doubled.



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A Stanford project encourages World War II reconciliation and historical accuracy about the conflict and its consequences in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan and the United States. Progress has been made on classroom textbooks and scholarly discussions…
A new Stanford report shows that, compared with other well-off countries, the United States has the worst overall ranking on key poverty and inequality indicators.

The United States is dead last on many poverty and inequality outcomes when…

'Bad' inequality on the rise, Stanford scholar says Rising inequality is primarily driven by market and institutional forces, not tax policy, Stanford sociologist David Grusky says. He suggests that changes in areas like education and labor markets…
Stanford sociologist Robb Willer says terrorism generally serves to sharpen national boundaries and increase nationalist spirit. However, scholars are largely in uncharted territory in regard to how terrorism will affect the 2016 presidential…
Stanford sociologist Karen Cook found that people with less power want their more powerful partners in negotiations to be trustworthy and act according to that desire.

People in low-power situations are significantly more trusting of more…

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Census Shows Sharply Growing Numbers of Hispanic, Asian and Multiracial Americans Overall population growth slowed substantially over the past decade, but the number of multiracial Americans more than doubled.