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Stanford report shows that U.S. performs poorly on poverty and inequality measures

A new Stanford report shows that, compared with other well-off countries, the United States has the worst overall ranking on key poverty and inequality indicators.

The United States is dead last on many poverty and inequality outcomes when compared with other well-to-do countries, according to a new report by the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality.

David Grusky, the center's director, said that "we've long known that the U.S. is exceptional, but it hasn't been fully appreciated that it's such a standout in so many types of inequality." This year's report, issued today, examines how the U.S. is faring relative to other well-off countries. Written by some of the world's leading experts on poverty and inequality, the report includes data on poverty, employment, income and wealth inequality, economic mobility, educational outcomes, health inequality and residential segregation.

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