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David Grusky's Research Covered in the Stanford Report

'Bad' inequality on the rise, Stanford scholar says

Rising inequality is primarily driven by market and institutional forces, not tax policy, Stanford sociologist David Grusky says. He suggests that changes in areas like education and labor markets can produce fair and open competition, thus reducing income and wealth inequality.

In the United States, income and wealth inequality is growing – especially "bad" inequality caused by injustice, according to a Stanford expert. David Grusky, the director of the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, which produces an annual "poverty report card," said the United States suffers from a type of market failure that greatly hinders those on the bottom rung of the economic ladder from moving up. On Feb. 1, Grusky's center will hold a conference on poverty and inequality and issue its 2016 Poverty and Inequality Report.

Stanford News Service recently interviewed him on the topic of income and wealth inequality.

Read full article on the Stanford Report