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Sociology Department Colloquium: Rene Almeling

Thu February 6th 2020, 12:30pm
McClatchy Hall, Building 120, Studio 40
Sociology Department Colloquium: Rene Almeling

Please join us for a colloquium being given by Rene Almeling, Associate Professor of Sociology at Yale University and, 2019-2020 fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.

GUYnecology: The Missing Science of Men's Reproductive Health

The average American has yet to encounter new information about the importance of “healthy sperm” and the “male biological clock.” That is because basic medical knowledge about how men matter when it comes to reproductive outcomes, from miscarriages to childhood illnesses, has only recently begun to be produced. This gap in knowledge about men is only more glaring when one considers the enormous efforts to understand and treat women’s reproductive bodies over the past century. The book is centered on the question: What took so long? Why are biomedical researchers only now asking questions about how men’s age and bodily health affect reproductive outcomes? Weaving together historical materials and qualitative interviews, Almeling examines the history of medical knowledge-making about men’s reproductive health and its consequences for individuals. From a failed nineteenth-century effort to launch a medical specialty called andrology to the contemporary science of paternal effects, she argues that a lack of medical specialization around men’s reproductive bodies resulted in obliviousness about men’s role in reproductive outcomes. Sifting through media messages and analyzing the stories of individual men and women, GUYnecology demonstrates how this historical gap in attention shapes reproductive politics today.